If you can adopt an evidence-based and self-managed stance on healthcare while seeking to make sense of all the phenomena around you, maybe you can go on to explain what you perceive. You can also observe whether the phenomena are repeatable. But never seek the opposite by insisting that every phenomenon conform to your own experience and knowledge. With this understanding in mind, you are invited to join HoloLife in a journey to the new dimension of natural medicine. In this journey you will find that natural medicine has the capability not only to prevent illness and promote health but also to effect both a temporary alleviation and a permanent cure when the need arises. Another promised discovery is that man can regain a lot of what has always been inherent but was once lost—perceptiveness, systemic thinking and willpower as well as the capability to love and care for others—once his health is restored. These discoveries, in turn, should give you much confidence in and hope for the future of humanity. Together, let’s treasure what natural medicine has to offer!
我們所提供的自然醫學學程,請見最新課程資訊,詳情請見click here。
歡迎認同ResonCare「素質的主張」,並想傳遞「實證性自主健康管理」作法與理念的團體與我們聯繫。ResonCare視此為團隊的使命,因此,我們將盡力、圓滿這份邀約。邀約,請按click here。